
five podcasts you would like

my not-so-secret obsession with podcasts is growing. my life is like the perfect storm for such an obsession, since i a) commute on the train to and from work everyday b) don't have enough space on my phone for more than ten songs in itunes and i'm sick of all of them, and c) enjoy multitasking. 

who's the "you" in the title of this blog you might be asking? "is she talking about me? she doesn't even know me. what a presumptuous lady." except for i probably do know you. you're most likely my mom or my friend laura. and if you're not, well, welcome! and how did you get here? do you like podcasts?

anyways, i've been listening to a few amazing new ones while i not-so-patiently wait for season two of serial. 

1. StartUp - one man's journey of starting his own podcast network told from the very beginning. my favorite episode - all of them. but, i particularly enjoyed How To Name Your Company

2. Detective - a retired detective with an intense "old fashioned man" voice speaks about what he's seen during his 23 years on the field. my favorite episode (and only one so far) - Murder in the First

3. Mystery Show - frivolous mysteries that are fun, cheerful, and surprisingly gripping. my favorite episodeCase #1 Video Store

4. How To Be Amazing with Michael Ian Black - my obscure and hilarious celebrity crush interviews really cool people.  my favorite episode Tavi Gevinson

5. Thinking Sideways - very entertaining investigations on unanswered questions. my favorite episodeKubrick's The Shining

image via Garance Dore


  1. Not sure if you've given "The Jealous Curator: Art for your Ear" a try, but I really love it. She's introduced me to a lot of artists I would have never known about. Also, it's very conversational and fun, not totally inundated with deep questions or the "expected" stuff.

    1. No, I didn't know she had a podcast! Thanks for the tip- I know what I'll be listening to on my commute tonight!
