
book club - april 2015 issue

so last month, the books on the line up were she's come undone and the 4 percent universe. guess which one i finished....

bonus points if you guessed the one that doesn't involve dark matter. i'm still making progress on that one. as i promised, here is a recap of last month's lineup. she's come undone was brilliant. i laughed, i was horrified, i cried, and let me tell you, if the book wasn't enough of an emotional roller coaster, the authors opening letter detailing the success of the book (from oprah calling him to tell him he owed her three nights sleep to helping a young man with mental health issues work through them and come out the other side) was the icing on the cake. i really recommend reading this book, and in the off chance that you're reading this, and you've also read it, i'd die to hear what you thought. my personal favorite part was when she totally unraveled and came clean to her jerky husband in the fast food joint. perfection. i also love when her high school counselor tells her, "i'll give you what i learned from all this. accept what people offer. drink their milkshakes. take their love." in context, that line will give you goosebumps, trust me.

i'm not even going to comment on 4 percent. maybe next month. 

i've decided the line up for april is just kids by patti smith. my roommate lent it to me, and i don't live under a rock so i've obviously also heard great things on the street. 

stay tuned book worms!

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